Mouladurioù 17vet-19vet kantved / Breton Prints 17th-19th centuries

Model details


Hervé Baudry, Kristian Hamon




CER on Validation Set


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About this Model

First generic Model for the transcription of documents printed in Breton. The ground truth is made of 6 329 lines, 40 364 words. The extracts (187 pages, 17 of which for the Validation Set) were selected among 52 items printed between 1608 and 1921. Some of them are bilingual (Breton-French). The accents are reproduced as such in the texts, in particular according to the tilde, of limited use along the period. Mouladurioù 17vet-19vet kantved / Breton Prints 17th-19th centuries was trained using the Base Model Transkribus Print M1.

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You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus.