Equip your university with cutting-edge tools for unlocking history

Integrate Transkribus into the software portfolio of your university and provide researchers and students with a powerful platform for processing historical documents.

Join other leading universities

Tackle large volumes

Become a co-owner

Enrich documents

Use powerful search

300 000+

Registered Users

20 000+

HTR AI Models trained

50+ Million

Pages processed


Free Public AI Models

Realise ambitious research projects

From leveraging handwriting recognition and unlocking undiscovered materials, to providing access to documents via Transkribus Sites, and even facilitating large-scale citizen-science projects with the ScanTent, Transkribus has been instrumental in a wide range of university-based research initiatives.
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Benefit from a Transkribus Scholarship

Collaboration is at the core of our mission to improve access to our written past. The Transkribus Scholarship Programme has already supported more than 170 university projects by providing students and teachers with free credits that they can use in the platform.
Apply for a scholarship

Publish digital scholarly editions

Transkribus Sites is a publishing tool that is seamlessly integrated within the Transkribus platform. It allows you to share research collections online, either publicly or privately, enabling broader access and visibility for your work while widening access to knowledge.
Learn more about Transkribus Sites

Bring Transkribus to your university

Leverage the power of Transkribus and support staff and students in unlocking valuable historical sources.

Tackle large volumes of documents

Letting large collections of documents remain solely in paper form is a thing of the past. The Transkribus platform is built to handle and process vast amounts of material and make it accessible for research.

Become a co-owner of Transkribus

Your research institution can become a co-owner of Transkribus and join the network of over 40 universities that are members of the READ-COOP cooperative. Membership comes with numerous additional benefits, including voting rights, discounts, and business insights.

Use annotation to enrich documents

Text recognition is just the start: Enrich your documents with metadata to significantly increase their research value. Researchers can tag and annotate their documents, both manually and automatically.

Benefit from a powerful search

One of the main goals of digitising historical material is to improve access to its content. Transkribus allows researchers and students to quickly search whole collections of documents for keywords, even when the keywords and text don't perfectly match.

Start unlocking the past with Transkribus

Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.