REPUBLIC Project (Huygens ING)
17th, 18th
CER on Validation Set
Size (Nr. of Words)
Model ID
This model is based on the handwritten resolutions of the Dutch States-General (1576-1796). It has been created during the project ‘REPUBLIC’, which aims to provide an online searchable edition of the Reolutions.
For more information regarding the background of the model and how to cite it, please have a look here.
During the first phase, Huygens ING have created a ground truth corpus of around 1,000 pages, with which several HTR-models have been trained. The latest model, which Huygens ING proudly releases for common use, is performing at a staggering 3.10% Character Error Rate. With the help of volunteers Huygens ING aims at lowering this percentage even further during the next phase of the project. Because of the excellent HTR results they are confident that the ultimate goal, making this important source (re)searchable from all sorts of perspectives, will become reality.
You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus.