CER on Validation Set
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This model is trained on about 105.000 words from the so-called “Verfachbücher” from the Tyrolean Pustertal valley and based on the public Model German_Kurrent_XVI-XVIII_M1. The ground truth material covers several rather typical handwriting styles for the given period, region, and type of administrative texts. The model was created within the projects “Reading in the Alps. Private book ownership in the Catholically dominated Central Alps 1750–1800” (FWF, P 29329) and “Living in the Alps” („Digitalisierung und Informationsextraktion für die Digital Humanities“ (DI4DH)) by Manuela Mayer, Michael Prokosch, Michael Span, Peter Andorfer and Martin Kirnbauer.
More information about the projects behind you can find via these links:
© SLA, Bozen, VB St. Michaelsburg 1800, Bl. 189r.
You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus.