Digital Humanities Centre, National Széchényi Library, Petőfi Literary Museum
CER on Validation Set
Size (Nr. of Words)
Model ID
This is a general model for Hungarian handwriting from the late 19th to the first quarter of the 20th.
The Digital Humanities Centre of the National Széchényi Library created the model. It is based on the corpus of the correspondence between József Kiss (1843–1921), a Hungarian poet and editor and his various connections.
The training data contains his professional and personal letters written throughout his life. The manuscripts used in the current model are located in the Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest.
More manuscripts of the same correspondence are available and under processing at the National Széchényi Library. We expect to further enlarge the model later on when their process is complete.
You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus.