German, Low German and Latin 17th century

Model details



German, Latin


CER on Validation Set


Size (Nr. of Words)


Model ID


About this Model

This PyLaia model was trained on the basis of more than 594000 words from about 1000 different writers during the period 1580-1705. The CER on the validation set is 5.8%. It can handle the languages German, Low German
and Latin and is able to decipher simple german and latin abbreviations. Besides the usual chancery writings, the training material also contained a selection of concept writings and printed
material of the period. The entire training material is based on legal texts or court writings from the Responsa of the Greifswald Law Faculty. Validation sets are based on a chronological
selection of the years: 1580 – 1705 . GT & validation set was produced by Dirk Alvermann, Elisabeth Heigl, Anna Brandt.

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German, Low German and Latin 17th century is freely available to everyone

You can use this model to automatically transcribe Handwritten documents with Handwritten Text Recgnition in Transkribus.