
Model details


Tobias Hodel


French Middle (ca.1400-1600), German Middle High (ca.1050-1500), Latin, Dutch


CER on Validation Set


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About this Model

This is a combined model of ground truth of different charter and book scripts from a variety of projects and institutions, aiming at building a generic model for Latin scripts of the Middle Ages. 
It is mainly based on documents from the project CREMMA Manuscrits médiévaux latins, HIMANIS (CNRS), Itinera Nova (Stadsarchief Leuven), and Charters and Records of Königsfelden (Universität Zürich).

CREMMA Manuscrits médiévaux latins has been produced by Clérice, Thibault and Chagué, Alix and Vlachou Efstathiou, Malamatenia. It is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

HIMANIS is partially published as HIMANIS Guérin produced by Stutzmann, Dominique; Hamel, Sébastien; Kernier, Iseut de; Mühlberger, Günter; Hackl, Günter. Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5535306

Charters and Records of Königsfelden Abbey and Bailiwick (1308-1662) has been produced by Halter-Pernet, Colette; Teuscher, Simon; Hodel, Tobias; Barwitzki, Lukas; Egloff, Salome; Henggeler, Fabian; Nadig, Michael; Steinmann, Anina; Stettler, Sabine; Prada Ziegler, Ismail. Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5179361

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