In the past 3 years research groups and archives from all over Europe were working on Handwritten Text Recognition for historical documents. Results can now be seen at the public Transkribus seminar at the National Archives of Finland in Helsinki on Wednesday 26.6.2019!
The Transkribus platform enables non-technical users to train neural networks in order to recognize and search historical documents. The seminar will provide an update on latest technical developments and showcase how Transkribus can be used in various scenarios. Moreover, a first version of a web-interface for searching Finnish Court records from the 19th century will be launched. With this search interface users can search historical documents in a “Google like” way.
The READ project is currently in the transformation to become one of the first European Cooperative Societies in the research, education and cultural heritage domain. Institutions and private persons are warmly invited to join this initiative.
If you would like to take part, please register yourself under the following link (participation is free of charge and registration is possible until 18.6.2019):
The program includes an inspiring set of presentations from our international partners, as well as lunch and a panel discussion:
10.00. Welcoming words
10.15. READ-COOP: Günter Mühlberger (UIBK)
Transkribus and the technology behind it
10.45. Transkribus platform: Sebastian Colutto (UIBK)
11.15. HTR in READ and Transkribus: Roger Labahn, Gundram Leifert (URO and CITlab)
11.30. Segmentation tools: Sofia Ares Oliveira (EPFL)
11.45. Table recognition: Hervé Déjean (NAVER)
12.00. ScanTent and DocScan: Matthias Wödlinger (CVL)
12.15- 13.15 Lunch
Transkribus in practice
13.15 Edelfelt project: Maria Vainio-Kurtakko (SLS)
13.45 VeleHanden: Marc Ponte, Jirsi Reinders
14.15 Court Records Collection: (NAF and UPVLC)
15.00. Panel discussion
Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.