Understanding Transkribus credits

Everything you need to know about the tokens that power your recognition tasks in Transkribus.
Transkribus credits are like digital tokens used to run various recognition jobs within Transkribus. Whether you need to recognise handwritten text or analyse tables, these credits make it possible. Here is an overview of how they work.

How credits are consumed

Transkribus credits are the vital medium for utilising various recognition jobs, including text, layout, fields, and tables within Transkribus. These credits enable you to perform the necessary jobs for your documents, making the process streamlined and efficient. If you're on an Organisation plan and using the metagrapho API, you'll benefit from an automatic 50% reduction in credits consumed per page. Explore the table below to understand how credits are consumed for different jobs and see how you can maximise your work with Transkribus!
Recognition TypeCredit Consumption
Handwritten Text + Lines
1 credit
Printed Text + Lines
0.5 Credits
Lines Recognition
0.25 Credits
Tables Recognition
1 Credit
Fields Recognition
1 Credit
API Discount Factor

Subscriptions and on-demand credits

Transkribus offers various subscription options to cater to different needs. The quantity of credits is dependent on the plan you choose, and you have the flexibility to choose which credits to use. Below is an overview of the different subscription types, their expiry, speed, and sharing capabilities. Choose the one that best fits your requirements and get the most out of your work with Transkribus!
Consumption Expiry Speed Can be shared?
Free Plan Monthly Regular No
Scholar Plan Monthly or annually Advanced No
Team Plan Monthly or annually Advanced Yes
Organisation Plan Monthly or annually Advanced Yes
On-demand No expiry Advanced Yes
Transferred (to user or collection) Based on original credits Advanced Yes

Choose the plan that works best for you

Start unlocking the past with Transkribus